red blue purple: magic + storytelling community


The red blue purple community creates a sacred playground to explore, enhance, and expand your magic!


If you seek your magic, you are seeking the stories that are your children waiting to be created. You want to understand what form they will take. Where to find their father’s sperm of inspiration and truth to germinate them so they flower into the world where they bring nectar and pollen to feed and sustain the many.


You crave your magic. As you should. It craves you back.


Experience a community and portal that is so overflowing and infused with alchemical goodness that it is simply DRIPPING with magic. Stories.  Learnings.   Friendships. A community of passionate and dedicated creators designing lives, businesses, even new economies, and ways of life filled with beauty and art and love and joy. 


'red blue purple' is both a parable that explains the opportunity of our age and a community of people who are delighted to explore, enhance, and expand their magic as creators of their lives.


We expand our awareness and play through endless, ever instructive, and joyful expressions of our core essence through our creations which come in the form of our life experiences and in our specific expressions of creativity in the artistic sense.


We understand that art media and creative expression exists everywhere in our day to day, as alive in the garden as it is on the page or at the easel or behind the camera or in the bedroom or the board room.

join 'red blue purple' now!

what is 'red blue purple'?

I first shared the red blue purple story as a Facebook post to help people wrap their heads around the "3D/5D" "New Earth" thing, as a starter dough mental model. It really took off and I regularly hear from people about how much it has helped them. Below is the original post:



I made you a story to explain the 3D / 5D thing vis-a-vis humans:


Imagine you are the color red.

You know no other colors because everything you see happens through your red eyes so everything is red.

You are jamming along in your redness and all is well.

You are the color of rubies, the essence of the blood running through human veins. You are bold and spirited!

One day, you are feeling… incomplete. You feel like you have an ache inside but you don’t know what for.

You start looking around, trying to figure it out.

You get more rubies. They are awesome!

But quickly you are back to wondering about that ache.

It feels like the thing you’re aching over is familiar, but it has become clear it’s not anything you’ve ever had or known.

So you really get into the seeking.

You run all around. You climb giant red mountains.

You sit and stare at a red wall for days. Weeks.

You gather other reds and talk about it. Does anyone else share your feeling? Maybe one or two, but most just shake their lovely red heads at you and go back to their own red infused lives.

You find that you ALMOST capture the essence of what you are seeking in certain moments.

Like when a baby laughs. Or anytime you are around baby animals of any kind. When certain songs come on the radio.

You recognize that within these and similar moments is the thing you are aching for but when you reach directly to understand it, it slips away from your grasp. like a wet bar of soap.

Then, one day, unexpectedly something entirely new happens.

You are taken over by an entirely new feeling. A sensation unlike any other felt before.

You recognize it as the thing you have been seeking!

You give in to it completely and you are enraptured! You are in bliss and joy! Tears of happiness and gratitude stream down your face.

You see your tears falling about you. They become suspended in the air and you realize you have never seen anything like this in your entire red existence.

You blurt out “what is this?!”

And your new kind of tear answers back and says “I am blue. I am out of the blue for your red heart!”

Blue is your new amazing best friend, the lover you always dreamt of, the sparkle in your eye and the hop in your step.

Because you love them, blue shows up more and more every day. Who doesn’t want to go hang out with people who think we are amazing, after all?

You ask blue what their life was like before you two met and blue tells you:

“I was blue and that was awesome! I love being blue! In the blue I can go anywhere, anytime, and make anything!

“It was so much fun!”

“So why did you come here?” asked red.

“I came because I felt a tugging inside my spirit and I had to find where it was coming from.

“The tugging and the tugging was like a string attached to my heart and it kept pulling and pulling on me!

“I couldn’t figure it out at first, but then I remembered, ‘I am blue! I can go anywhere! I will go to the other end of this string!’

“And that’s where you were, red! And then I knew that you needed me and I was so blissed out that I had figured it out and found my way to you!”

You shook your head in admiration. “Wow, that’s amazing! Because I really needed you, it’s so true! I don’t know what I would ever have done had you not found me, blue! My true blue!”

So you and blue start really hanging out a lot and you decide one day to start a band because you both love music and even though each of you is great at different types of music, you suspect you can combine them together into something fun and cool.

So you get the band together and start practicing and creating music together.

One day, a new song you’ve been working on suddenly CLICKS.

It just works so perfectly and you both are awed by the way in which it seems to be showcasing whole new sounds or notes never before experienced!

It’s an incredible rush and you are both in tears of joy and bliss and astonishment and you are both hooting and hollering and doing cartwheels!

And you say to each other, “what is this new sound we’ve created?”

And you are both astonished when you hear a voice pipe up and say,

“Hi, I’m purple! You made me out of your own aspects and the way they combined perfectly together is me!”

And the three of you embrace and hug and dance around in glee and get down to a massive music jam swirling together the red and blues and purples into infinite varieties of color and beauty!


Red is the 3D. Red is the level of existence in which the matter to energy ratio is such that matter seems to be in charge.

In the red, time is the Boss, like a Mob Boss, demanding and unrelenting and unwilling to reverse any decisions for fear of losing his tight grip on being in charge.

In the red, we use matter to change matter. It requires a fuck ton of effort, using many forms of resource.

In the red, matter appears to be finite and therefore everyone is worried they won’t have enough matter to survive, while others stockpile more matter than they could ever need, just in case.


Blue is the non material plane, think dimensions higher than 5D (which is still inclusive of materiality). Blue is the level of existence in which the matter to energy ratio is such that energy is entirely in charge and matter only exists for fun.

In the blue, we have direct experiential knowledge of The ALL OF ALL and the nature of the connectedness of all things.

In the blue, we use energy to change matter. It requires no effort other than a well formed intention.

In the blue, time is just a silly slippery plaything for fun, like matter. And in the blue, we are into play which is our favorite way to learn and we always want to be learning because it is the raw material for our creations which are our purpose.

In the blue, we can communicate without words and across great distance and through time in an instant.


Purple is the beautiful swirling together of red and blue.

Purple is the glorious dance at the nexus of matter and energy.

Purple is the 5D, the realm of New Earth.

In the purple, you can play with matter and energy.

In the purple, you have some beholdenness to time but more like as a gentleman’s agreement than anything super serious. You agree to it because time makes it possible for you to help the other reds find the blue and that is your purpose if you chose the purple.

In the purple, you are on Earth across multiple timelines simultaneously and using your blueness to dissolve the timelines in which the matter to energy ratio is too high for the reds there to access any blue.


When you are red alone, you don’t have any experience of blue and you can’t even imagine it. Like falling in love. You can read all the poems in the world but once you fall in love you realize none of them even hold a candle to the actual truth of it.

But once you have that first connection to the transcendent, and you recognize it as such, then you can see the blue and feel the blue.

And once that has happened, once you have the “muscle memory” of blue it’s so much easier to bring it more in to the picture!

And so the picture of your existence can go from pure red to having a few bursts or dots or flares of blue. And you might really double down and focus your efforts into getting better and better at bringing in the blue and, more importantly, getting it to stay with you long enough for you to start to practice with the blue.

When you practice with the blue, when you can hold it in place of experience long enough, then you ARE blue while you practice it.

Blue feels like miracles and lunacy and multi galactic space operas made real and infinite creations of jewel like energy forms.

No one can ever teach you blue. Not really. They can perhaps guide you to that river of blue more quickly. They can maybe teach you how to swim more adeptly in its waters once you get in yourself, but only you can leap headlong in to that blue water for yourself.

Absolute, unmediated access to blue is in you all the time.

No books or teachings or rules or organizations or governments or religions or crazy ass motherfucking bullshit can ever interfere between you and you as blue. If static comes on the line so to speak, and you lose the signal and fall back to red, that’s just a matter of personal capacity opportunity.

Unfortunately, you are not in the red alone. You are in the red with a few billion other reds who are also trying to figure out that ache in their hearts. Who are also working their fucking asses off to change the matter in their lives, their conditions, through matter. And most of the reds are stuck at the mercy of the matter hoarders.

This is why some of the blues answer the call of the tugging from a red’s heart to their heart. They know that there is infinite resource for all in every way.

So they come “down” into the red to help out by showing the way, taking a red by the hand and gently guiding them to the river where, standing on its banks, the blue will hold the red in their arms for eternity, in grace and love absolute, until the moment when the red says "yes!" and leaps!

And the blue river catches them and carries them safely along.


We are in a period of existence in which we are being both red and blue at the same time, which is purple of course.

There are generally two kinds of purple, although, if you have been paying attention you’ll understand that this is simply a convenient mental model as there are, in fact, infinite kinds of purple.

The first kind is akin to if we pull back from a painting of red and blue dots we will see what appears to be purple. A pixelated purple. This is the purple of reds learning blue and blues learning red (oh yes, did I forget to mention that blues discover they can learn the most fun stuff while being red that massively accelerates their blue skillfulness?)

The second is when we have mastery in both red and blue and we are truly combining them as paints swirled together closely enough that the blend becomes true purple, a new third color in its own right.

One can choose to be purple, which means to choose mastery in the red and the blue both. This usually involves choosing, as a blue, to become completely red because one cannot master purple without first truly understanding red all on its own and being entirely red by definition removes the option of choosing to be blue until the reunion begins.

This is my choice in this life and if you are still reading this, it is likely yours as well, whether you have awoken to that yet or not.

One also can be experiencing the purple through the simple fact of not always “holding” or “painting” exclusively in the red or the blue, but, rather, wavering back and forth between the two. This is the pixelated purple.

In fact, if someone is “alive,” aka dependent currently on physical form, they cannot be true blue. Even the most devoted to the blue or the most delirious of becoming blue are actually purple for as long as they chose to stay in their physical form, aka not die.

When a blue being, like Jesus or Merlin or Isis or a Faery or a Dragon or a Star or an Elven Queen decides to take physical form on Earth, they are choosing to briefly be purple but these ones are so amazing at being purple that it’s hardly any purple ever known before the current time.

And they are teaching us how to be purple ourselves when they do, because they know that they have to bring in some red stuff like a painting or a book of poetry or a piece of music or an invention or a teaching or a rebirth so that our red hearts will get snagged up, snared up, caught up by the tiny transcendent fish hook of LOVE that is The ALL OF ALL and be inspired to call in blue to our being.

Pretending to be fully in the blue while in a physical form is something that can happen for reds who are new to the blue experience and having a pixelated purple phase. The old red ways of limited resource and limited skillfulness cause them to accidentally proclaim that they can be “better” and “more than” and that only the blues like them (except they aren’t actually blue, remember, no one in matter is true blue) are really worthy or doing “it” right.

It’s an understandable mistake. But it does hurt themselves to stay trapped in comparison, hierarchy, and polarity and can have negative effects on other reds. And if hurt is caused, then their own redness grows bigger again until they have the awareness that there is some more learning to do and then they can chose to leap off that riverbank back into the true blue anytime and try again.

I have moments in which I feel I am in the true purple and others where I understand I am in the pixelated purple. But I have not been in pure red for eons and for that I am grateful AF because even in the pixelated purple I can talk with the trees and hear the plants whisper their medicine arts to me and commune with a glacier about its millennia of secrets and hear the Stars laughing merrily away as they send me twinkles of love to boost my spirit and lift me back to true purple or even winkle me away for a true blue journey to refresh my soul.

I also have found ways to journey in the blue which are beyond delicious and so enlivening.

I hope this helps you expand discernment about your experiences in your spirit journey and gives you some tools to help you in making choices that will serve you better.

Explore, enhance, and expand your magic!

The human experience in our current time offers a unique, once-in-the-Universe opportunity to get really crazy with new magic beyond anything we have ever dreamt of before!

'red blue purple' is both a parable that explains the opportunity of our age and a community of people who are delighted to explore, enhance, and expand their magic as creators of their lives.

We expand our awareness and play through endless, ever instructive, and joyful expressions of our core essence through our creations which come in the form of our life experiences and in our specific expressions of creativity in the artistic sense.

We understand that art media and creative expression exists everywhere in our day to day, as alive in the garden as it is on the page or at the easel or behind the camera or in the bedroom or the board room.

The red blue purple community creates a sacred playground for exploring the end of polarity and hierarchy within our own internal energies and frequencies.

As we dance with The ALL OF ALL inside of ourselves, we increasingly understand new ways to design our lives and our connections with others in ways that enhance the magic and love and light for the highest good of all especially our miraculous Earth Mother.

Many of us may be star seeds or pan dimensional beings but we are all sharing this human experience and DNA during a unique evolutionary leap occurring with the planet and the human species.

What does your sacred ecosystem need to look like within and without to optimize your highest expression of SELF? Want to find out?

The vision and lead frequency for red blue purple comes from Melanie Gillespie and is supported by an amazing team of people who are also choosing lives “Off The Map” at those edges that used to be labeled “Here Be Dragons” as if that was a warning!

We know the truth. We know that is an invitation to the truest opening of ourselves! And, dragons! Ye Gods! Melanie was fostered by them for millennia so she is especially fond of her dragon family and blissed out to share them with you among so many other stories and learnings she is here to create and bring through as activations for you to unlock the magic inside you!

Expect a sacred portal that is so overflowing and infused with alchemical goodness that it is simply DRIPPING with magic. Stories.  Learnings.   Friendships.  A community of passionate and dedicated creators designing lives, businesses even new economies, and ways of life filled with beauty and art and love and joy. 

The red blue purple community is held by the vision and frequency of the magic of Melanie Gillespie, which is deeply potent and exists to accelerate and support the planet’s evolutionary leaping underway now.

Melanie works directly with the planet and several star beings (meaning actual stars, not other beings from the stars, they are here too) as well as pan dimensional beings from various realms. She also serves as an activator of humans who are the conduits for Universal Light to come in to our planet. If you are reading this, you are likely such a being. 

One of the roles Melanie has been given, in support of the broadest reach of her catalytic magic, is as Storyteller.

She is given stories all day long and asked to bring them through. They are each precious energy jewels that sparkle and glisten in many colors as they portal in and activate the divine love in the hearts of all touched by them. She is endlessly gestating and birthing stories and galaxies and even universes.

Each universe, each galaxy, each world is a story that was created from the eternal creative chaos of stardust and magic impregnated by one pure inspiration, one pure truth. Gestated in the black hole of creative juice at the center of the ALL OF ALL, each story that is birthed out through a temporary aligning of forces and structures imposing order on chaos until it is born. Each one a divine infinite jewel of energy and color, precious and unique.

If you seek your magic, you are seeking the stories that are your children waiting to be created. You want to understand what form they will take. Where to find their father’s sperm of inspiration and truth to germinate them so they flower into the world where they bring nectar and pollen to feed and sustain the many.

You crave your magic. As you should. It craves you back.

All that to say, that you’ll be accessing new stories regularly in various forms.

Sometimes there will be live videos and watch parties.

Sometimes there will be teaching sessions.

Sometimes there will be curated community dialogues.

Always there will be passionate, friendly, and joyful discussion and sharing about the intersection of story, magic, expansion of our awarenesses of our trueSELF and our expressions of our divinity and universal life force!

This is a community for people of any identity and characteristics.

It is beloved by those craving their own magic and feeling connected to the pull of creating a new evolution of human society and the beautiful jewel that is our home planet.

Many are professional or amateur artists and creative types seeking to expand their creative output/quality and to find ways to create that aren't as stressful or painful on the body, nervous system, lifestyle.

Many are biz owners and entrepreneurs and, in particular of these, are people who relish the way in which entrepreneurship opens and accelerates one's spiritual journey.

Many are mystics themselves and seekers of expanded awareness about the nature of 'reality' and one's place within that.

Many are "regular peeps" who don't yet identify themselves as galactic badasses here to change everything simply by living and being (they are, they just don't know it quite yet).

Many are juggling several "aspects" of selves and identities and struggling to maintain their footing and not drop what feels crucial in that juggle.

Some are young and have just begun this journey called life, although all are 18 or older at this time.

Some are older and in the phase of life where they are thinking about legacy and what will be left behind and how to expand that impact in the final decades.

All are just done with the old ways and eager for the new world to be here now and recognize that the best way to make that true is to start living as if it were true now!

All are seeking to have more fun and playfulness in their daily lives and to expand that experience into a robust life design in all aspects.

This community won't be a fit for people who are so stuck in their battle and warfare narratives of victimhood or conqueror that they cannot put those down even briefly, just long enough for the respite of 'red blue purple' magical support and love and recuperation. If you can leave your battle gear at the door, you'll be fine! 

The moderators of the community will delete all battle cries for polarity as that is not the purpose of our community. Rest assured that the moderators and Melanie are working in other arenas to impact the external structures of our society to create a more just and fair set of conditions for everyone with special attention to those least able to access such freedom and fairness based on current structures.

In general we have a "no assholes" rule in our lives as well as in the community. And as it is a private community, we always reserve the right to remove someone from it at anytime.

In fact we consider it a sacred obligation that we do so in order to continue curating the highest frequency space as we know that this magical frequency is actually why you are here.

You can join red blue purple two ways. The community is accessible only to members. You can choose a one time membership for one month and go month by month at $33/month or you can commit to an automatic subscription which offers you the highest vibe choice at $9.99/month. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Sign up for the subscription version here.

Sign up for a single month here. We get it, sometimes we just want to try a thing out! 

Ongoing commitment to the red blue purple community is available for less than 1/3rd of the regularly one month. Go for the highest vibe $9.99 subscription option instead and unlock all the dimensionality as you play with bigger and bigger capacities at the nexus of energy and matter!

Please be aware we are a small team and may not be able to respond to your questions with the immediacy you may prefer. We strive to respond within 48 hours during Mon - Fri. We are eager to be of service and will respond to you if you have questions etc, if you contact us at [email protected]. You can also direct message us on Facebook and follow us there as well: Off The Map w/ Melanie


I Want to Learn More!

Who is Melanie? What sort of magical multi galactic shenanigans is she up to?


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